Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Norton Lily
PHASE 1 OF THE TURNAROUND : Building The Foundation Jim Burton set about analyzing the business with an emphasis on quick wins that would contribute to developing the long-term ââ¬Å"executionâ⬠foundation. * He was dealing with seasoned industry veterans, each with deaply held beliefs and paradigms about the business ââ¬â how it had been and should be run. In an effort to build confidence and gain acceptance among his senior peers ( it had to be an incremental approach) * With encouragement and support of the owner, burton first formed an executive committee of nine, including the five business unit.The objective in forming executives committee was to begin decentralizing the decision making process away from the two owner. ( The owners not actively participate in committee sessions, but would instead attend summary reviews, at the conclusion of each meeting, to provide counsel and advice ) * He was to transform the company and build the sustainable growth platform the own er wanted Identifying and Understanding Value Creating Processes Burton focused on its execution and on helping Norton Lillyââ¬â¢s executives understand the key processes that enabled good strategy execution and value creation. Burton first launced process mapping in the linier group, which operated in eight different US offices * At the time, the liner division offered a fragmented mix of services across its eight location, with each location performing some activities more effectively than other location and all location failing to provide adequate service in some regard * By late 2007, mapping the key processes involved in delivering each type of service had helped management and employee understanding of processes led to improved process standardization, end administrative procedures that duplicated work, improved costumer satisfaction, and penalties * By the end of 2007, Burton had assigned responbility for achieving KPI goals to individual managers and supervisor overseeing specific value creating process within the liner division Implementing a Balanced Scorecard Performance Measurement System Accompanying the KPIââ¬â¢s rollout was a balanced scorecard, wich further focused managerial employees attention on the performace of value creating process. Metrics included in the balance scorecard system used at Norton Lilly included process KPIââ¬â¢s. costumer satisfaction and financial performance * In late 2007 Norton Lillyââ¬â¢s balance scorecard system was expanded to included a ââ¬Å" dashboardâ⬠of performance indicators that could provide overview of business unit level * The dashboard contained : * Revenue compared to budget * Expense groupings compared to budget * Capital expenditures compared to budget Top 10 Costumer profitability * By the end of 2007 Norton Lilly business unit leaders were holding monthlymeetings to review KPI status and propose corrective action to resolve differences between expectations and actual performance R esource Allocation Policies Other foundation building actions undertaken in 2007 included in the initation of various policy changes. One such policy change involved the companyââ¬â¢s capital outlay policy, which was the first new policy established by the executive committee. * The capital outlay policy came about after Burton discovered that the company had variously launched into a number of ventures without much success. The policy called for a nine step due diligence process, that nine steps were as follows: 1. Description of the opportunity 2. Description of how the opportunity fit with Norton Lillyââ¬â¢s objectives 3. Assessment of the competitive threats 4. Assessment of the competitive landscape 5. How success whouldbe ensured 6. Proposed exit strategy 7. Business case 8. Financila pro forma 9. List of major assumtions and risk * The capital outlay policy would ensure that decision to entef into any business venture would be fully vetted, based on fact, not opinions B uilding Managerial Talent Throught out 2007 Norton Lilly focused on another important foundation building element management development. * Burton introduced a leadership evelopment program that matched a personââ¬â¢s profile to a job, the program was based on the fundamental premise that managerial employees could be classified into one of four basic profil; stategist, project director, networker or external qualifier * After being tested and profiled, the 20 highest-rangking employees at Norton lilly entered into workshops directed at helping members of the management team interpreteach profile and respect and deal effectively with differing profiles PHASE II OF THE TURNAROUND REINFORCING THE FOUNDATION The effort undertaken during Phase 1 of Norton Lillyââ¬â¢s turnaround had produced a profitable fiscal 2007, which was the companyââ¬â¢s first profitable year since 2003. Improving Information Used for Decision Making Dashboard were also expanded to all of Norton Lillyâ⠬â¢s business units.Linerm Ship services, and Overseas. As well as the addiction of Financial measures such as cash flow and accounts receivable KPIââ¬â¢s Changing Financial Performance Expectations Burton initiated another policy change in 2008, although less a stated policy than a mindset. * The concept of value creation was introduced at an executive committee meeting in late 2007 and became the basis for all 2008 budgeting * The concept of earning a fair rate of return based on assumed risk didnââ¬â¢t exist at Norton Lilly, so as apart of the 2008 budgeting exercise each business unit leader was given a margin target A NEW APPROACH TO FORCASTING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Provide continual refreshing of the assumptions underlying the forecast * Provide the company a continual look at its next 12 months, regardless of how many months were left in the calendar year The move to rolling forecast helpd managers improve forecasting accuracy to the extent that the company missed its financial projections. TAHAP 1 DARI TURNAROUN : Membangun Pondasi Jim Burton berurusan dengan veteran industri berpengalaman, masing-masing dengan keyakinan dipegang dan paradigma tentang bisnis ââ¬â bagaimana hal itu telah dan harus dijalankan. Dalam upaya untuk membangun kepercayaan dan mendapatkan penerimaan di antara rekan seniornya (itu harus pendekatan inkremental) à à à à à à Dengan dorongan dan dukungan dari owner, Burton pertama membentuk executive committee of nine, termasuk lima bisnis unit. Tujuan dalam membentuk executive committee adalah untuk mulai desentralisasi proses pengambilan keputusan dari kedua owner . owner tidak aktif berpartisipasi dalam sesi komite, melainkan akan menghadiri summary review, pada akhir / kesimpulan setiap pertemuan, untuk memberikan nasihat dan saran) à à à à à à Jim Burton mengubah perusahaan dan membangun sustainable growth platform Mengidentifikasi dan Memahami Value Creating Processes Burton berfokus pada p elaksanaannya dan membantu Norton Lillyââ¬â¢s executives memahami key process yang memungkinkan strategi eksekusi yang baik dan penciptaan nilai. Burton pertama meluncurkan proses pemetaan pada kelompok kapal , yang beroperasi di delapan kantor yang berbeda o à à à Pada saat itu, divisi kapal menawarkan berbagai pelayanan terfragmentasi di delapan lokasi, dengan masing-masing lokasi melakukan beberapa kegiatan yang lebih efektif daripada lokasi lain. an lokasi semua gagal untuk memberikan layanan yang memadai dalam hal tertentu à à à à à à Pada akhir 2007, pemetaan key process yang terlibat dalam memberikan setiap jenis layanan telah membantu manajemen dan karyawan memahami proses untuk memperbaiki proses standarisasi, mengakhiri prosedur administrative yang tidak efektif , meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Pada akhir tahun 2007, Burton diberi tanggung jawab untuk mencapai tujuan KPI untuk manajer individu dan supervisor mengawasi spesicific value creating proce ss dalam divisi kapal Menerapkan Kinerja Balance Scorecard Sistem Pengukuran Seimbang Sistem balanced scorecard fokus ke perhatian manajerial karyawan pada performance value creating process.Metrik yang termasuk dalam sistem balance scorecard digunakan di Norton Lilly termasuk proses KPI kepuasan pelanggan dan kinerja keuangan à à à à à à Pada akhir tahun 2007 sistem balance scorecard Norton Lilly diperluas untuk memasukkan ââ¬Å"dashboardâ⬠indikator kinerja yang dapat memberikan gambaran tingkat unit bisnis o à à à à à à à Dashboard berisi: Pendapatan dibandingkan dengan anggaran Pengelompokan Expence dibandingkan dengan anggaran à à à à à à Pengeluaran modal dibandingkan dengan anggaran à à à à à à Top 10 Costumer profitabilitas Pada akhir tahun 2007 para pemimpin unit bisnis Lilly Norton memegang monthlymeetings untuk meninjau status KPI dan mengusulkan tindakan korektif untuk mengatasi perbedaan antara harapan dan kine rja aktual Alokasi sumber daya Kebijakan Tindakan membangun pondasi lainnya dilakukan pada tahun 2007 termasuk dalam inisiasi perubahan berbagai kebijakan.Salah satu perubahan kebijakan tersebut melibatkan kebijakan pengeluaran modal perusahaan, yang merupakan kebijakan baru pertama kali didirikan oleh komite eksekutif. Kebijakan pengeluaran modal muncul setelah Burton menemukan bahwa perusahaan telah meluncurkan beberapa usaha tanpa banyak keberhasilan. Kebijakan menyerukan sembilan langkah due diligence process karena sembilan langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Deskripsi kesempatan 2. Deskripsi bagaimana kesempatan fit dengan Norton Lilly objectives 3. Penilaian terhadap ancaman kompetitif 4. Penilaian terhadap kompetitif landscape 5. Bagaimana keberhasilan bias dipastikan 6. Usulan exit strategy 7. Kasus bisnis 8. Financial pro forma 9. Daftar asumsi utama dan resikoKebijakan pengeluaran modal akan memastikan bahwa keputusan untuk masuk ke setiap usaha bisnis akan sepenu hnya diperiksa, berdasarkan fakta, bukan pendapat Membangun Bakat Manajerial Norton Lilly terfokus pada perkembangan foundation building elemen management development yang lain à à à à à à Burton memperkenalkan program pengembangan kepemimpinan menyesuaikan profil seseorang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya , program ini didasarkan pada premis dasar bahwa karyawan manajerial dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam salah satu dari empat profil dasar; stategist, direktur proyek, networker atau eksternal kualifikasi à à à à à à Setelah diuji dan diprofilkan, 20-rangking karyawan yang tertinggi di Norton lilly engadakan workshop diarahkan untuk membantu anggota tim manajemen saling memahami, menghormati dan menangani secara efektif. FASE II DARI TURNAROUND: Memperkuat Pondasi Upaya yang dilakukan selama fase 1 dari turnaround Norton Lilly telah menghasilkan fiskal tahun 2007 yang menguntungkan, yang mana ini menjadi tahun pertama yang menguntungkan perusahaan sejak tahun 2003 . Meningkatkan Informasi Digunakan untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Dashboard juga diperluas ke semua unit bisnis Norton Lilly. Serta penambahan ukuran finansial seperti arus kas dan rekening yang piutang KPI Mengubah Harapan Kinerja Keuangan Burton memulai lagi perubahan kebijakan pada tahun 2008, walaupun kurang kebijakan dinyatakan dari pola pikir.Konsep penciptaan nilai diperkenalkan pada pertemuan komite eksekutif pada akhir 2007 dan menjadi dasar bagi semua penganggaran 2008 à à à à à à Konsep a fair rate of return berdasarkan risiko diasumsikan tidak ada di Norton Lilly, sehingga terpisah dari budgeting exercise 2008 masing-masing pimpinan unit bisnis diberi target marjin Pendekatan baru untuk peramalan kinerja keuangam Meng-udate atau refresh terus-menerus asumsi yang mendasari forcasting à à à à à à Memberikan perusahaan melihat terus-menerus pada 12 bulan berikutnya, terlepas dari berapa bulan yang tersisa di tahun kalender. Hal tersebut membantu manajer meningkatkan akurasi peramalan saat perusahaan membutuhkan proyeksi keuangan.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Return: Midnight Chapter 20
Meredith usual y found her parents funny and sil y and dear. They were solemn about al the wrong things like, ââ¬Å"Make sure, honey, that you real y get to know Alaric ââ¬â before ââ¬â before ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Meredith had no doubts about Alaric at al , but he was another of those sil y, dear, gal ant people, who talked al around things without getting to the point. Today, she was surprised to see that there was no cluster of cars around the ancestral home. Maybe people had to stay home to fight it out with their own children. She locked the Acura, conscious of the precious contents given by Isobel, and rang the doorbel . Her parents believed in chain locks. Janet, the housekeeper, looked happy to see her but nervous. Aha, Meredith thought, they have discovered that their dutiful only child has ransacked the attic. Maybe they want the stave back. Maybe I should have left it back at the boardinghouse. But she only realized that things were truly serious when she came into the family room and saw the big La-Z-Boy deluxe lounging chair, her father's throne: empty. Her father was sitting on the couch, holding her mother, who was sobbing. She had brought the stave with her, and when her mother saw it, she broke into a fresh burst of tears. ââ¬Å"Look,â⬠Meredith said, ââ¬Å"this doesn't have to be so tragic. I've got a pretty good idea of what happened. If you want to tel me about how Grandma and I real y got hurt, that's your business. But if I wasâ⬠¦contaminated in some wayâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She stopped. She could hardly believe it. Her father was holding out an arm to her, as if the somewhat rank condition of her clothes didn't matter. She went to him slowly, uncomfortably, and let him hug her regardless of his Armani suit. Her mother had a glass with a few sips left of what looked like Coke in front of her, but Meredith would bet it wasn't al Coke. ââ¬Å"We'd hoped that this was a place of peace,â⬠her father orated. Every sentence her father spoke was an oration. You got used to it. ââ¬Å"We never dreamedâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ And then he stopped. Meredith was stunned. Her father didn't stop in the middle of an oration. He didn't pause. And he certainly didn't cry. ââ¬Å"Dad! Daddy! What is it? Have kids been around here, crazy kids? Did they hurt somebody?â⬠ââ¬Å"We have to tel you the whole story from that time long ago,â⬠her fatherâ⬠¦said. He spoke with such despair that it wasn't anything like an oration. ââ¬Å"When you wereâ⬠¦al attacked.â⬠ââ¬Å"By the vampire. Or Grandfather. Or do you know?â⬠Long pause. Then her mother drained the contents of her glass and cal ed, ââ¬Å"Janet, another one, please.â⬠ââ¬Å"Now, Gabriel a ââ¬â ââ¬Å"her father said, chiding. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËNando ââ¬â I can't bear this. The thought that mi hija inocenteâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Meredith said, ââ¬Å"Look, I think I can make this easier for you. I already knowâ⬠¦Well, first, that I had a twin brother.â⬠Her parents looked horrified. They clung together, gasping. ââ¬Å"Who told you?â⬠her father demanded. ââ¬Å"At that boardinghouse, who could know ââ¬â ?â⬠Calming down time. ââ¬Å"No, no. Dad, I found out ââ¬â Well, Grandpa talked to me.â⬠That was true enough. He had. Just not about her brother. ââ¬Å"Anyway, that was how I got the stave. But the vampire that hurt us is dead. He was the serial kil er, the one who kil ed Vickie and Sue. His name was Klaus.â⬠ââ¬Å"You thought that there was only one vampire?â⬠her mother got out. She pronounced the word the Hispanic way, which Meredith always found more scary. Vahm-peer. The universe seemed to start moving slowly around Meredith. ââ¬Å"That's just a guess,â⬠her father said. ââ¬Å"We don't real y know that there was more than the very strong one.â⬠ââ¬Å"But you know about Klaus ââ¬â how?â⬠ââ¬Å"We saw him. He was the strong one. He kil ed the security guards at the gate with one blow each. We moved to a new town. We hoped you would never have to know you had a brother.â⬠Her father brushed his eyes. ââ¬Å"Your grandfather spoke to us, right after the attack. But the next dayâ⬠¦nothing. He couldn't talk at al .â⬠Her mother put her face in her hands. She only lifted it to cal , ââ¬Å"Janet! Another, por favor!â⬠ââ¬Å"Right away, ma'am.â⬠Meredith looked to the housekeeper's blue eyes for the solution to this mystery and found nothing ââ¬â sympathy, but no help. Janet walked away with the empty glass, blond French braid receding. Meredith turned back to her parents, so dark of eye and hair, so olive of skin color. They were huddling together again, eyes on her. ââ¬Å"Mom, Dad, I know that this is real y hard. But I'm going after the kind of people who hurt Grandpa, and Grandma, and my brother. It's dangerous, but I have to do it.â⬠She dropped into a Taekwondo stance. ââ¬Å"I mean you did have me trained.â⬠ââ¬Å"But against your own family? You could do that?â⬠her mother cried. Meredith sat down. She had reached the end of the memories that she and Stefan had found. ââ¬Å"So Klaus didn't kil him like Grandmother. He took my brother with him.â⬠ââ¬Å"Cristian,â⬠wailed her mother. ââ¬Å"He was just un bebe. Three years old! That was when we found the two of youâ⬠¦and the bloodâ⬠¦oh, the bloodâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Her father got up, not to orate, but to put his hand on Meredith's shoulder. ââ¬Å"We thought it would be easier not to tel you ââ¬â that you wouldn't have any memories of what was happening when we came in. And you don't, do you?â⬠Meredith's eyes were fil ing with tears. She looked to her mother, trying to silently tel her she couldn't understand this. ââ¬Å"He was drinking my blood?â⬠she guessed. ââ¬Å"Klaus?â⬠ââ¬Å"No!â⬠cried her father as her mother whispered prayers. ââ¬Å"He was drinking Cristian's, then.â⬠Meredith was kneeling on the floor now, trying to look up into the face of her mother. ââ¬Å"No!â⬠cried her father again. He choked. ââ¬Å"La sangre!â⬠gasped her mother, covering her eyes. ââ¬Å"The blood!â⬠ââ¬Å"Querida ââ¬â â⬠her father sobbed, and went to her. ââ¬Å"Dad!â⬠Meredith went after him and shook his arm. ââ¬Å"You've ruled out al the possibilities! I don't understand! Who was drinking blood?â⬠ââ¬Å"You! You!â⬠her mother almost screamed. ââ¬Å"From your own brother! Oh, el aterrorizar!â⬠ââ¬Å"Gabriel a!â⬠moaned her father. Meredith's mother subsided into weeping. Meredith's head was whirling. ââ¬Å"I'm not a vampire! I hunt vampires and kil them!â⬠ââ¬Å"He said,â⬠her father whispered hoarsely: ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËJust see she gets a tablespoon a week. If you want her to live, that is. Try a blood pudding.'He was laughing.â⬠Meredith didn't need to ask if they had obeyed. At her house, they had blood sausage or pudding at least once a week. She had grown up with it. It was nothing special. ââ¬Å"Why?â⬠she whispered hoarsely now. ââ¬Å"Why didn't he kil me?â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't know! We Stilldon't know! That man with his front al dripping with blood ââ¬â your blood, your brother's blood, we didn't know! And then at the last minute he grabbed for the two of you but you bit his hand to the bone,â⬠her father said. ââ¬Å"He laughed ââ¬â laughed! ââ¬â with your teeth clamped in him and your little hands pushing him away, and said, ââ¬ËI'l just leave you this one, then, and you can worry about what she wil turn out to be. The boy I'm taking with me.'And then suddenly I seemed to come out of a spel , for I was reaching for you again, ready to fight him for both of you. But I couldn't! Once I had you, I couldn't move another inch. And he left the house Stilllaughing ââ¬â and took your brother, Cristian, with him.â⬠Meredith thought. No wonder they didn't want to hold any kind of celebration on the anniversaries of that day. Her grandmother dead, her grandfather going crazy, her brother lost, and herself ââ¬â what? No wonder they celebrated her birthday a week early. Meredith tried to stay calm. The world was fal ing to pieces around her but she had to stay calm. Staying calm had kept her alive al her life. Without even having to count, she was breathing out deep, and in through her nostrils, and out through her mouth. Deep, deep, cleansing breaths. Soothing peace throughout her body. Only part of her was hearing her mother: ââ¬Å"We came home early that night because I had a headache ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Sh, querida ââ¬â ââ¬Å"her father was beginning. ââ¬Å"We got home early,â⬠her mother keened. ââ¬Å"O Virgen Bendecida, what would we have found if we had been late? We would have lost you, too! My baby! My baby with blood on her mouth ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"But we got home early enough to save her,â⬠Meredith's father said huskily, as if trying to wake her mother from a spel . ââ¬Å"Ah, g racias, Princesa Divina, Vigen pura y impolutoâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Her mother couldn't seem to stop crying. ââ¬Å"Daddy,â⬠Meredith said urgently, aching for her mother but desperately needing information. ââ¬Å"Have you ever seen him again? Or heard about him? My brother, Cristian?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes,â⬠her father said. ââ¬Å"Oh, yes, we have seen something.â⬠Her mother gasped. ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËNando, no!â⬠ââ¬Å"She has to learn the truth sometime,â⬠her father said. He rummaged among some cardboard file folders on the desk. ââ¬Å"Look!â⬠he said to Meredith. ââ¬Å"Look at this.â⬠Meredith stared in utter disbelief. In the Dark Dimension Bonnie shut her eyes. There was a lot of wind at the top of a tal building's window. That was al her mind had a thought for when she was out of the window and then back into it and the ogre was laughing and Shinichi's terrible voice saying, ââ¬Å"You don't real y think we'd let you go without questioning you thoroughly?â⬠Bonnie heard the words without them making sense, and then suddenly they did. Her captors were going to hurt her. They were going to torture her. They were going to take her bravery away. She thought she screamed something at him. Al she knew, though, was that there was a soft explosion of heat behind her, and then ââ¬â unbelievably ââ¬â al dressed up in a cloak with badges that made him look like some kind of military prince, there was Damon. Damon. He was so late she'd long ago given up on him. But now he was flashing a there-and-gone bril iant smile at Shinichi, who was staring as if he'd been stricken dumb. And now Damon was saying, ââ¬Å"I'm afraid Ms. McCul ough has another engagement at that moment. But I wil be back to kick your ass ââ¬â immediately. Move from this room and I'l kil you al , slowly. Thank you for your time and consideration.â⬠And before anyone could even recover from their first shock at his arrival, he and Bonnie were blasting off through the windows. He went, not out of the building backward as if retreating, but straight ahead forward, one hand in front of him, wrapping them both in a black but ethereal bundle of Power. They shattered the two-way mirror in Bonnie's room and were almost al the way through to the next room before Bonnie's mind tagged the first ââ¬Å"empty.â⬠Then they were crashing through an elaborate videoset-window ââ¬â made to let people think they had a view of the outdoors, and flying over someone lying on a bed. Thenâ⬠¦it was just a series of crashes, as far as Bonnie was concerned. She barely got a glimpse of what was going on in each room. Final yâ⬠¦ The crashing stopped. This left Bonnie holding on to Damon koala-style ââ¬â she wasn't stupid ââ¬â and they were very, very high in the air. And mobilizing in front of them, and off to the sides, and as far as Bonnie could see, were women who were also flying, but in little machines that looked like a combination of a motorcycle and a Jet Ski. No wheels, of course. The machines were al gold, which was also the color of each driver's hair. So the first word Bonnie gasped to her rescuer, after he had blasted a tunnel through the large slave-owner's building to save her, was, ââ¬Å"Guardians?â⬠ââ¬Å"Indispensable, considering the fact that I didn't have the first idea where the bad guys might have taken you and I suspected that there might be a time limit. This was actual y the very last of the slave-sel ers we were due to check. We final yâ⬠¦lucked out.â⬠For someone who had lucked out, he sounded a little strange. Almostâ⬠¦choked up. Water was on Bonnie's cheeks but it was being flicked away too fast for her to wipe it. Damon was holding her so that she couldn't see his face, and he was holding her very, very tightly. It real y was Damon. He had cal ed out the cavalry and, despite the city-wide mind-gridlock, he had found her. ââ¬Å"They hurt you, didn't they, little redbird? I sawâ⬠¦I saw your face,â⬠Damon said in his new choked-up voice. Bonnie didn't know what to say. But suddenly she didn't mind how hard he squeezed her. She even found herself squeezing back. Suddenly, to her shock, Damon broke her koala-grip and pul ed her up and kissed her on the lips very gently. ââ¬Å"Little redbird! I'm going to go now, and make them pay for what they did to you.â⬠Bonnie heard herself say, ââ¬Å"No, don't.â⬠ââ¬Å"No?â⬠Damon repeated, bewildered. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠Bonnie said. She needed Damon with her. She didn't care what happened to Shinichi. There was a sweetness unfolding inside her, but there was also a rushing in her head. It real y was a pity, but in a few moments she would be unconscious. Meanwhile, she had three thoughts in mind and al of them were clear. What she was afraid of was that they would be less clear later, after she had fainted. ââ¬Å"Do you have a star bal ?â⬠ââ¬Å"I have twenty-eight star bal s,â⬠Damon said, and looked at her quizzical y. That wasn't what Bonnie meant at al ; she meant one to record onto. ââ¬Å"Can you remember three things?â⬠she said to Damon. ââ¬Å"I'd gamble on it.â⬠This time Damon kissed her softly on the forehead. ââ¬Å"First, you ruined my very brave death.â⬠ââ¬Å"We can always go back and you can have another try.â⬠Damon's voice was less choked now; more his own. ââ¬Å"Second, you left me at that horrible inn for a week ââ¬â ââ¬Å" As if she could see inside his mind, she saw this slice into him like some kind of wooden sword. He was holding her so tightly that she real y couldn't breathe. ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦I didn't mean to. It was real y only four days, but I never should have done it,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Third.â⬠Bonnie's voice dropped to a whisper. ââ¬Å"I don't think any star bal was ever stolen at al . What never existed can't be stolen, can it?â⬠She looked at him. Damon was looking back in a way that normal y would have thril ed her. He was obviously, blatantly distressed. But Bonnie was just barely hanging on to consciousness at this point. ââ¬Å"Andâ⬠¦fourthâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ She puzzled out slowly. ââ¬Å"Fourth? You said three things.â⬠Damon smiled, just a little. ââ¬Å"I have to say this ââ¬â ââ¬Å"She dropped her head down on Damon's shoulder, gathered al of her energy, and concentrated. Damon loosened his grip a little. He said, ââ¬Å"I can hear a faint murmuring sound in my head. Just tel me normal y. We're well away from anyone.â⬠Bonnie was insistent. She scrunched her whole tiny body together and then explosively sent out a thought. She could tel that Damon caught it. Fourth, I know the way to the seven legendary kitsune treasures, Bonnie sent to him. That includes the biggest star ball ever made. But if we want it, we have to get to it ââ¬â fast. Then, feeling that she had contributed enough to the conversation, she fainted.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Building the Nation Future Leaders
Maââ¬â¢am and Sir, Good morning! With my great desire, to be one of the guest speakers at todayââ¬â¢s event; I accept the challenge and invitation of the teaching staff of this institution to challenge everyone today! It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to speak in front of you as a challenger of your mind and hearts to give an inspirational message that will challenge everyone today! You truly deserve to give pride to yourself as you step into another ladder of your success. Itââ¬â¢s been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success as they watch you to recognize this day, your ever loving teachers honored you for the commendable appreciation of your great work during learning process and the person who is one way of molding your life interest and being proud to yourself that you have done the great job in schooling. Our Theme: ââ¬Å"Building the Nation Future Leaders through the K to 12 Basic Education Program or the K to 12 Basic Education- Tungo sa Paghuhubog ng mga Makabagong lider ng Bansa. I would like to talk first about the program of Department of Education in order for us to understand well the message of our nation for us as a stakeholder of change. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary Education, four years of juniors High School, and another two years of Senior High School) which provide our learners to undergo suffici ent time for mastering the concepts and skills presented during learning process. Enhance the abilities and capacities of our learners, and prepare our graduate to higher education, job employment, and business or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key chain to success because it helps our graduates to become ready and more successful to go in their different paths, Maybe some them will proceed to tertiary education, for employment, or do a business. We strongly believed that this changes in our Educational Program will affect our way of living, to give us hope for a better future because our young leaders equipped with different skills in different learning areas, trained and prepared them to become an agent of change; Formal Education will make us living if we seized the right opportunity given to us. Let us work hand in hand for the betterment of our future, Let us let other known about this program, and encourage them to have a full support in achieving our Countryââ¬â¢s progress. You as a graduate have a vital role to strengthen your great potential to become a partner of change. You will be one of the backbones of our K to 12 graduates sooner and later know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adopt as needed. Here are the three things to consider on becoming more successful in achieving our goals in life and to become a productive leaders someday: 1. Heads-up to your great potential. Sometimes, we may not realize the essence of our abilities. But thereââ¬â¢s a gift given to us by our omnipotent master to give our full potential to become the most successful person. We may become successful beyond of our wildest dream. You should know yourself better, Identify your strength and weaknesses and facing the real you. The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it and believe that you can do something. The first thing that we need to consider is to open your eyes to your great potential by setting your mind and goals in life. Mind setting (power of imagination) is a tool for showing your potential to become great individual for the next days. Because of it, you can now set your goals in life. Some great person believed that goal is vital. ââ¬Å"People with goals succeed because they know where theyââ¬â¢re going. â⬠According to -Earl Nightingale. ââ¬Å"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. â⬠-Mack R. Douglas. Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. â⬠ââ¬Å"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what youââ¬â¢ve got. â⬠ââ¬Å"We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life. â⬠I want you to ââ¬Å"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success. â⬠According to SFI Rules to Success; setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, donââ¬â¢t even think about ignoring goal-setting! 2. Begin with realistic plan (winning starts with beginning). If you sealed with something and you fell not moving on your way, start to get started and start whatever you had right now. Thereââ¬â¢s no perfect time to wait, do the best job you can and always keep learning and moving ahead. Who among you here have a Facebook account? What is the first thing you do in getting connected with that social networking? Just to sign up and get started, right? ââ¬Å"You donââ¬â¢t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. â⬠-Les Brown, ââ¬Å"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. â⬠-Richard L. Evans. ââ¬Å"Failing to plan is planning to fail. â⬠ââ¬Å"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. â⬠-Fitzhugh Dodson ââ¬Å"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. ââ¬â Anthony Robbins. ââ¬Å"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. ââ¬Å"- Nido Qubein. ââ¬Å"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. ââ¬Å"- Noel Peebles We cannot become successfu l in aiming at something, if we are trying to do many things just for once. We should be realistic in our planning and concentrate your thoughts upon working hand in hand. As they say, chase two rabbits and youââ¬â¢ll catch neither! ââ¬Å"Success demands singleness of purpose. ââ¬â Vincent Lombardi ââ¬Å"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. ââ¬â Harry Emerson Fosdick. 3. Live with your goals and persist until you win. We donââ¬â¢t need to invest so much to earn something and to pay for our reward. ââ¬Å"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they donââ¬â¢t quit. ââ¬Å"-Conrad Hilton. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s when things get rough and you donââ¬â¢t quit that success comes. â⬠ââ¬Å"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. Youââ¬â¢re the only one who can do it permanently. -Zig Ziglar Donââ¬â¢t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positivesâ⠬ ¦ and the ââ¬Å"big picture. â⬠Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in todayââ¬â¢s rapidly evolving world). Donââ¬â¢t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed. ââ¬Å"Learning is very fun and lifelong processâ⬠which I always emphasize in the field of learning because it awakens our interest to learned. At your youthful stage, there is an eagerness to learn in every chance as you participate inside the class. Your teacher taught you so much how to become smart, how to behave, how to learn, how to work effectively, how to perform a task and know how to accept studentââ¬â¢s responsibility. I know each one of you possess a precocious gift from God. Who among you here wants to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer, Military, Teacher, or a President? Then donââ¬â¢t stop learning. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS THREE WORDS: DONââ¬â¢T STOP LEARNING! ANDEA, ISIDRO JR B. KABACAN WESLEYAN ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DEPARMENT Building the Nation Future Leaders Maââ¬â¢am and Sir, Good morning! With my great desire, to be one of the guest speakers at todayââ¬â¢s event; I accept the challenge and invitation of the teaching staff of this institution to challenge everyone today! It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to speak in front of you as a challenger of your mind and hearts to give an inspirational message that will challenge everyone today! You truly deserve to give pride to yourself as you step into another ladder of your success. Itââ¬â¢s been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success as they watch you to recognize this day, your ever loving teachers honored you for the commendable appreciation of your great work during learning process and the person who is one way of molding your life interest and being proud to yourself that you have done the great job in schooling. Our Theme: ââ¬Å"Building the Nation Future Leaders through the K to 12 Basic Education Program or the K to 12 Basic Education- Tungo sa Paghuhubog ng mga Makabagong lider ng Bansa. I would like to talk first about the program of Department of Education in order for us to understand well the message of our nation for us as a stakeholder of change. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary Education, four years of juniors High School, and another two years of Senior High School) which provide our learners to undergo suffici ent time for mastering the concepts and skills presented during learning process. Enhance the abilities and capacities of our learners, and prepare our graduate to higher education, job employment, and business or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key chain to success because it helps our graduates to become ready and more successful to go in their different paths, Maybe some them will proceed to tertiary education, for employment, or do a business. We strongly believed that this changes in our Educational Program will affect our way of living, to give us hope for a better future because our young leaders equipped with different skills in different learning areas, trained and prepared them to become an agent of change; Formal Education will make us living if we seized the right opportunity given to us. Let us work hand in hand for the betterment of our future, Let us let other known about this program, and encourage them to have a full support in achieving our Countryââ¬â¢s progress. You as a graduate have a vital role to strengthen your great potential to become a partner of change. You will be one of the backbones of our K to 12 graduates sooner and later know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adopt as needed. Here are the three things to consider on becoming more successful in achieving our goals in life and to become a productive leaders someday: 1. Heads-up to your great potential. Sometimes, we may not realize the essence of our abilities. But thereââ¬â¢s a gift given to us by our omnipotent master to give our full potential to become the most successful person. We may become successful beyond of our wildest dream. You should know yourself better, Identify your strength and weaknesses and facing the real you. The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it and believe that you can do something. The first thing that we need to consider is to open your eyes to your great potential by setting your mind and goals in life. Mind setting (power of imagination) is a tool for showing your potential to become great individual for the next days. Because of it, you can now set your goals in life. Some great person believed that goal is vital. ââ¬Å"People with goals succeed because they know where theyââ¬â¢re going. â⬠According to -Earl Nightingale. ââ¬Å"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. â⬠-Mack R. Douglas. Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. â⬠ââ¬Å"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what youââ¬â¢ve got. â⬠ââ¬Å"We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life. â⬠I want you to ââ¬Å"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success. â⬠According to SFI Rules to Success; setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, donââ¬â¢t even think about ignoring goal-setting! 2. Begin with realistic plan (winning starts with beginning). If you sealed with something and you fell not moving on your way, start to get started and start whatever you had right now. Thereââ¬â¢s no perfect time to wait, do the best job you can and always keep learning and moving ahead. Who among you here have a Facebook account? What is the first thing you do in getting connected with that social networking? Just to sign up and get started, right? ââ¬Å"You donââ¬â¢t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. â⬠-Les Brown, ââ¬Å"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. â⬠-Richard L. Evans. ââ¬Å"Failing to plan is planning to fail. â⬠ââ¬Å"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. â⬠-Fitzhugh Dodson ââ¬Å"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. ââ¬â Anthony Robbins. ââ¬Å"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. ââ¬Å"- Nido Qubein. ââ¬Å"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. ââ¬Å"- Noel Peebles We cannot become successfu l in aiming at something, if we are trying to do many things just for once. We should be realistic in our planning and concentrate your thoughts upon working hand in hand. As they say, chase two rabbits and youââ¬â¢ll catch neither! ââ¬Å"Success demands singleness of purpose. ââ¬â Vincent Lombardi ââ¬Å"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. ââ¬â Harry Emerson Fosdick. 3. Live with your goals and persist until you win. We donââ¬â¢t need to invest so much to earn something and to pay for our reward. ââ¬Å"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they donââ¬â¢t quit. ââ¬Å"-Conrad Hilton. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s when things get rough and you donââ¬â¢t quit that success comes. â⬠ââ¬Å"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. Youââ¬â¢re the only one who can do it permanently. -Zig Ziglar Donââ¬â¢t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positivesâ⠬ ¦ and the ââ¬Å"big picture. â⬠Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in todayââ¬â¢s rapidly evolving world). Donââ¬â¢t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed. ââ¬Å"Learning is very fun and lifelong processâ⬠which I always emphasize in the field of learning because it awakens our interest to learned. At your youthful stage, there is an eagerness to learn in every chance as you participate inside the class. Your teacher taught you so much how to become smart, how to behave, how to learn, how to work effectively, how to perform a task and know how to accept studentââ¬â¢s responsibility. I know each one of you possess a precocious gift from God. Who among you here wants to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer, Military, Teacher, or a President? Then donââ¬â¢t stop learning. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS THREE WORDS: DONââ¬â¢T STOP LEARNING! ANDEA, ISIDRO JR B. KABACAN WESLEYAN ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DEPARMENT
The assignment for this week is to answer the the following questions
The for this week is to answer the the following questions from the textbook - Assignment Example It allows both the partners to gain maximum benefits creating a win-win situation for them. As the term implies, partnering is beneficial for both parties involved. The main objective of partnering is to improve quality of the business. It results in the betterment of important areas such as manufacturing process, the products itself, relation between the consumers and suppliers and in turn the customer contentment. Together these things increase the effectiveness of the business. A perfect example of the disadvantage of not having a partnering is the green Volvo case. Volvo manufactured a lot of green cars which could not gain the public interest and had almost no sales. To quickly sell this model, the marketing and sales departments started heavy promotions such as large discounts and rebates. What they did not do was to inform their suppliers of the case. So when the Volvo suppliers saw the green cars sell at such a speed, they doubled the manufacturing of the green cars. The result was loss of a lot of money and resources. We can say that partnering removes the invisib le wall that exists between the manufacturer and customer and the supplier and manufacturer. Some of the advantages also include reduced costs and increased speed of the whole working process. Nowadays people avoid going into the manufacturing business alone. Most companies tend to partner with their suppliers in order to form a mutually valuable working relation. Rick Hughes, the chief purchasing officer of P&G, a consumer goods company, talked about their strong regard for partnering with suppliers ââ¬ËWe expect the best from our business partners, and we are focused on growing long-term relationships that are sustainable, innovative and create joint valueââ¬â¢(Jusko, 2011). There are however some requirements that should be met by a supplier to be able to partnering. In order to form a successful supplier partnering, the supplier personnel should interact with the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Nutritional Analyzes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nutritional Analyzes - Research Paper Example At last I tried to find solution for achieving required diet. I recorded everything I eat and drink for 7 days seven consecutive days, recording both what I am consuming and how much. Then I entered these details into a diet analysis program with a best fit approach, and many assumptions made. The computer program calculated the totals of each nutrient for each day, and averaged the data. I compared these averages to the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI's). A set Profile values for an average person of my body type is used for comparison to these calculated averages. My goal values are calculated based on my body composition, activity level and determination of an Ideal weight goal. My ideal goal weight is 175-180 lbs. This shows I am under weight. The GOAL values for Energy, Protein, Carbohydrates, Total Fat, and Fiber is displayed in a table 1 showing a comparison with my average values and average intake of person with same height, age, and activity level. Comparison of my average intake and GOAL values shows that my energy consumption is perfect. But I need to Increase protein consumption to reach 30% Goal value, although these values are very high as compared to average nutritional parameters. ... The number of servings and/or quantity of each food group I consume is estimated and compared to the recommended serving distribution for my average Caloric intake discussed in the Daily Food Guide. Daily Food Guide Recommended Servings Average Servings Grains 10 3.57 Vegetables 4 3 Fruits 2.50 1 Dairy 3 10 Meat 7 17 Table 2 MICRONUTRIENTS The computer programs average my vitamin and mineral intake and report those values. I created a table reporting the results of comparison between my average values and established AI's or RDA's. VITAMINS MICRONUTRIENT RDA/AI 7 DAY AVERAGE DIFFERENCES THIAMIN 1.20 4.06 2.86 RIBOFLAVIN 1.30 9.39 8.09 NIACIN 16 10.56 5.44 VITAMIN B6 1.30 11.56 10.26 FOLATE 400 197.56 202.44 VITAMIN B12 2.60 11.67 9.07 VITAMIN C 90 231.18 141.18 VITAMIN A 900 613.69 286.31 VITAMIN D 5 1.78 3.22 VITAMIN E 15 8.22 6.78 Table 3 MINERALS MICRONUTRIENT RDA/AI 7 DAY AVERAGE DIFFERENCES CALCIUM 1000 237.49 762.51 PHOSPHOROUS 700 680.94 19.06 MAGNESIUM 400 376.20 23.80 IRON 8 7.11 0.89 ZINC 11 8.72 2.28 COPPER 1 8.22 7.32 Table 4 DISCUSSION Comparison of my average intake and GOAL values shows that my energy consumption is perfect. But I need to Increase protein consumption to reach 30% Goal value, although these values are very high as compared to average nutritional parameters. Again carbohydrate and fat consumption is very high compared to GOAL value. Primary resources for my energy consumption are chicken, Tilapia and flex oil. So to decrease my fat consumption I need to decrease these intakes. Carbohydrate consumption is mainly because of protein shake, rice, black beans, steak and vegetables. So I need to keep consumption of such food items also in control. At the same time I need to increase intake of food items which gives me
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Csa study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Csa - Case Study Example 1. Assessment There are many illnesses that could be happening with Bret but there are many preliminary tests that would have to be done. The first thing would be to check his vital signs. I would want to know his blood pressure to rule out high blood pressure because it could cause fatigue and weakness over time. I would also check to see whether he had been drinking enough water when he does sports because some of the weakness could be due to dehydration (Mayo Clinic). I would want to do an ultrasound on his legs to make sure that there were no blood clots or other challenges with his legs. I would also want to send him to an neurologist because the weakness in his legs may be early signs of multiple sclerosis (MS). Some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis are the fatigue, had tremors, and double vision (Merk Online Manual 2010). The challenge with is symptoms is that they could be one of many types of diseases and it would be important to narrow down the focus. I would also want to order an MRI to see if there are challenges in the brain or the muscles that are more physical. 2. Treatments The treatments would depend on what was found from the various tests. If it was MS, it is a treatable disease. Some of the treatments that may be used would be dependant on how the symptoms are working with Bret. There are Corticosteroids are used more often than other treatments. Also, Interferon Injections may be used in order to help delay the total disability of this issue. 3. Prognosis Many people who have MS live for a very long time and are able to maintain a lifestyle that stays healthy. Regular exercise is important and physical therapy can help maintain balance. Case Study 2 Corey is 14 years old and is an avid mountain biker. He has been riding with his friends every weekend. At one point in the current ride, he has decided to ride the Abyss trail because none of his friends have had the courage to ride it. As Corey was negotiating the last trail, he hit a roo t sideways with his bike and it spun out of control, flipping Corey backwards over a small ravine. He hit the back of his head on a rock outcrop and flipped over face down into pine needles. He jumped up, brushed himself off, and said he was okay. However, he had cracked his helmet and on the way home, he could not remember what happened or starting down the hill. His head was hurting and the boys noticed that the back of his head was bloody. Corey was very thirsty, drank a Mountain Dew quickly and threw up. His friends rush him to the hospital and his parents meet them there. Once his head and scalp are stitched he says that his head still hurts, but he does not feel that he will throw up. He knows what school he goes to, but he cannot recall starting down the hill before the accident. It is apparent that he has suffered a concussion because of the headache, nausea, and the amnesia about the traumatic event (Mayo Clinic 2011). I would tell the parents that they should watch him clo sely for the next couple of days because he may have had a head injury that we cannot see. I would have ordered an MRI for him to see whether there was anything else to be concerned about in this process. However, he could have some other challenges with dizziness or nausea in the next couple of days. I would tell them to bring him back if he had any other symptoms or if he seemed to be drowsy or more fatigued than normal. I would also tell them that if his speech begins to slur or he has other symptoms that are not
Friday, July 26, 2019
Maintaining Cultural Diversity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Maintaining Cultural Diversity - Assignment Example Solutions and further recommendations strive to maintain responsibility to diversification training and core competencies of staff and management. Recommendations include training establishment, delivery and analysis with time specific goals to Landbroke plc Board with specific methods to overcome language barriers throughout the company. This implementation includes time sensitive deliverables and analysis regarding training with future ideas and implications inside the company's diverse workforce. Ladbrokes plc was formerly Hilton Group until February 2006, when the company sold its European rights to the Hilton Group namesake to Hilton Hotels USA for 5.7 billion, and there launched into a full gambling experience. This facility manages exclusive online bets in the European sector by brokering gambling bets and making odds over the phone and through their two-thousand strong bookmaking shops in Europe. This includes traditional sports and casino gambling to online gambling, and will even make odds and accept bets on politics (Hoovers Inc 2006). Ladbrokes plc maintains that: As a standalone company Ladbrokes will expand its business by building on its brand leadership, its ability to innovate and the experience and expertise of its management team and 14,000 employees (Ladbrokes plc 2006). In the consultant domain, special consideration to the company's fast growth will be taken to provide operational assistance training. In accordance with consultation Penn Venture operational assistance service definition, this consultation will include "Distinct skills training for a concern's executives that is directly related to the management and operations of the concern and that provides skills in areas where the concern's management lacks background or experience" (Vovakes 2004). Problem Identification The objectives of this consultation are to provide distinguished services for the company's primary concerns within the operational assistance domain. This aims to improve the viability of training resources while lowering costs of resources, with a particular focus on training within demographic diversification. The training and service recommendations will be conducted privately to Ladbrokes Board of Corporate Governance. The scope of the commissioned work is to divulge information on demographic constructs, diversity and ethical training, this will extends to the overall business and not to specific shops unless requested by the Board. The information utilized is Ladbroke's Staff Council and their diversity data as well as national standards for diversity. Currently, Ladbroke's diversification is much higher than the UK average, as noted in Chart 1.0, Appendices A in accordance with the diversity of Ladbrokes, the company also boasts a 32 percentile of internal
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Legal terminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Legal terminology - Essay Example Especially bad were the members of a gang called ââ¬Å"The Big Bad Wolves,â⬠each individual member known as a ââ¬Å"Wolf.â⬠So Red felt it was very foreseeable for trouble to come her way. One member of the Wolves used deceit to set up a scenario where he could trick Red out of her money. On that occasion this Wolf told Red that his mother was ill in another state and he needed money to go see her. However, Red knew the Wolfââ¬â¢s background and knew his mother was dead. Therefore, this amounted to fraud. Red thought such people were just mean per se, inter alia. Another Wolf once falsely claimed he was a police officer and tried to handcuff and block Redââ¬â¢s way in the forest. This amounted to the torts of false arrest and false imprisonment. Worse, yet, this tortfeasor Wolf later claimed in a letter to a newspaper and to all who would listen that it was Red who impersonated a police officer and not the other way around as was the truth. Red knew the letter was libel and the oral statements slander. This same lowlife Wolf once tried to sue a doctor for malpractice who stopped to help him when he was injured. Luckily, the Good Samaritan Statute protected the doctor and the lowlife Wolf lost that lawsuit. While these are not willful torts like battery, this was pretty bad behavior on the part of this Wolf fellow and it was prudent of Red to be cautious. So, Red finally reached her grandmaââ¬â¢s house. Inside, however, were three Wolves surrounding grandma and her servant Millie. Millie helped grandma with her chores such as laundry and shopping. The three Wolves were up to no good. One Wolf was on his I-Pod conjuring up scams which amounted to a cybertort. Another Wolf was lighting up firecrackers and throwing them out the window. This constituted a nuisance to grandmaââ¬â¢s neighbors. The third Wolf held a large tree log over grandma and kept saying he was going to beat her with it. This amounted to an assault. Thereafter, grandma and Red
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Ethics and Business Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethics and Business Success - Essay Example They seek ways to improve their productivity, efficiency, and the way their company functions as a whole. Two of the articles printed in the Journal of Value Based Leadership offer ways to improve businesses in two very different ways. The first, "Secrets of Your Leadership Success-The 11 Indispensable E's of a Leader," by M.S. Rao, essentially offers a positive, team friendly approach that will give a path to strong leadership. The second, "The Conscious Organization: Prospects for a Self-Actualized Workforce,â⬠by John Renesch, supports developing your business using the ideas of psychological theorists, Andrew Maslow and Carl Jung, treating the business as you would a person. It places the value on the needs of the whole company, but less on its individual parts. Reneschââ¬â¢s approach to gaining success within a business is mixing the principles of Maslowââ¬â¢s self-actualization and Jungââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"shadows,â⬠which are things that block a person from achievi ng their highest potentials. The author believes that by viewing businesses in the same way that you look at a person you can make the best of it; pretending that a business has the same need to self-actualize as a person does. He, also, focuses on a tightly structured organization within the business. He explains that anything that gets in the way of the success of the business it should be eliminated for the sake of the business. This is the basis of a ââ¬Å"Conscious Organization,â⬠which the author created in the 1990s. The author promotes that a successful business and successful people are those who are willing to evaluate themselves, their values, and relationships all of the time. ââ¬Å"Living this sort of self examined life is what brings meaning and worth (Renesch 74-77). In the second article, Rao takes a different approach. He discusses how any successful business needs strong leadership if they hope to be successful. He suggests that the ââ¬Å"11 Eââ¬â¢sâ⬠are those traits or behaviors that can guarantee that someone is on the right path towards leadership, and they are easy to remember as they all start with the letter ââ¬Å"E.â⬠It is the combination of these elements, he says, can and will develop into the best kind leader in the best kind of business. Both articles are very interesting in their approaches. However, Raoââ¬â¢s article offers such a positive way of creating a happy work environment and good teamwork, while Reneschââ¬â¢s view is very cold. It does not seem to care about the needs or issues of the workers. Renesch want to treat the business like it is a living person and the people are like replaceable parts. The two writers are very different. For example, if there was an employee who was not working to their best possible ability; Rao would work to encourage that employee to do better, but Renesch would call this employee a ââ¬Å"badâ⬠employee and want to get rid of them. In this context, there is no room for anything except what is good for the business. Raoââ¬â¢s article appears to value the employees and Reneschââ¬â¢s does not really feel like that. His article feels like he sees individual people are just parts, when one is no good just throw it out and replace with a better one. This kind of heartless business practice does not always make for a good business to be a part of, even if the profits are high. People, I think, will work harder for people and for goals when they feel that they matter and the contribution that they make is important. When I enter into the business world I want to make the best choices that I can. I agree with Renesch when he explained how important being able to change and grow in the business industry, but it is Rao whose article I think will benefit me the most when I enter into my career field. Having a good way of becoming a strong leader
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
FEEDBACK ON AUTOBIOGRAPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
FEEDBACK ON AUTOBIOGRAPHY - Essay Example In the theoretical discourse, you bring forward the positive aspects of your chosen leader and put light on her lifelong struggle and sacrifice to bring forward a strong personality. Thus, with your autobiography, it is clearly observable that Christine Caine produces a strong sense of motivation for you. Due to this reason, you formulate different points to bring into light the parallels between you and your chosen personality. You also show all the qualities that you admire. The clarity of expression and well developed approach are reflections of your passion about your chosen leader. It seems that the framework you have developed based on your vision and criteria will further transform your thoughts in the days to come. The life events have played a great role in the development of your autobiography. You have paid great attention to the theory and integrated theory as well as events in the best possible manner in your autobiography. For example when you tell that, ââ¬Å"Leaders know who they are, where they came from, where they are going, and are not afraid of stand for their values, convictions and what is right instead of conforming to what others say.â⬠Of course, this can be seen throughout your autobiography especially at times when you were in Paris and London. As you mentioned that the people over there asked you to realize the fact that you could do so many things. This was the time when you dare to rise against your insecurities. So, your descriptive, focused and analytical approach can be seen throughout your autobiography which is a plus point of the writing. You paid great attention to the contribution of the life events in directing you towards a purposeful life. For example, t he standing of your mother as a role model offers you new spirit in facing the odds of life. In a nutshell, it can be well said that the autobiography is well developed and the events are well integrated throughout the writing. The description
Punitive Damages To Products Liability Essay Example for Free
Punitive Damages To Products Liability Essay EXECUTIVE SUMMARY à à à à à à à à à à à Product liability is a growing interest in almost all parts of the world. The doors of justice are opened to innocent and helpless consumers who can ask manufacturers of products to compensate them for damages incurred after using their products. The burden of liability is placed upon manufacturers and producers who could not use any defense to exculpate themselves from strict liability law. à à à à à à à à à à à There are two principles that form the foundations on product liability, namely, strict liability, and negligence. Thus, manufacturers are bound to make a wise estimate of how much damage it may be liable in the future should any case be filed against it on product liability. In effect, any manufacturer should ensure that the ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠of the product outweighs the ââ¬Å"harmâ⬠that it may cause to any consumer if such product is put in the market. This is the social responsibility of manufacturers and a safeguard to consumers. Never mind if the cost is passed on to the consumers as may be incorporated in the cost of the product for as long as there is an assurance that in any future eventuality, the manufacturer would be able to answer to the liability and pay the cost of damage. à à à à à à à à à à à Punitive damages that may be awarded on top of the actual damages incurred would be up to the courts of justice to determine. The reason behind the grant is to deter similar cases in the future. Putting a cap on punitive damages is depriving a plaintiff his day in court while it also limits the authority that our laws have vested in the courts of justice. Any law to that effect is simply negating an individualââ¬â¢s right to be fully recompensed for any damage that may be incurred due on product liability cases. Thus, as in other cases on torts and delicts, it is best left to the courts of justice to establish the punitive damage that may be imposed against manufacturers whose product caused damage to any of its consumers. Should Punitive Damages In Products Liability Cases Be Capped à à à à à à à à à à à The history of product liability law dates back to the 1800ââ¬â¢s when one Englishman, Mr. Winterbottom filed a case against the manufacturer of a mail coach due to poor construction. Mr. Winterbottom, who was the driver of the mail coach of the Postmaster General, was seriously injured when the mail coach collapsed. The theory advanced at that time was to limit the liability to persons with privity of contracts. Mr. Winterbottom was not privy to the contract of purchase between the Postmaster General and the manufacturer of the mail coach. Thereby, the case was dismissed. à à à à à à à à à à à As the manufacturing industry advanced, quality control of the products being produced by manufacturers has become a subject of interest to many sectors of society. The concern naturally required the governments to enact laws which would ensure protection of consumers. However, while many laws could be enacted to ensure full protection of the consuming markets, compliance to these laws would also remain a question. Thus, it has been inevitable that cases on product liability piled up in the courts of justice in all countries of the world. The difference, though, is that where before the ââ¬Å"little and helplessâ⬠consumers would have a difficult time to raise their concerns and seek redress; in these times where awareness on product liability has been brought to the fore, manufacturers with big pockets are made to compensate consumers for damages incurred. à à à à à à à à à à à There is no question that manufacturers should be made liable to pay for damages that any of their products may have caused on the consuming public. The law on strict liability has become the basis on findings of the court as it decides on how much liability any manufacturer is to shoulder and pay to the consumer in a particular case. Strict liability law stresses the liability on the product in contrast to the principle of negligence which places the responsibility on some acts of the manufacturer. à à à à à à à à à à à In the case of Greenman v Yuba Power Products, Inc. the California Supreme Court assigned strict liability to a manufacturer, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..à à à à à à à à à à à who placed on the market a defective product even though both privity of contract and notice of breach of warranty were lacking. The court rejected both contract and warranty theories, express or implied, as the basis for liability. Strict liability does not rest on a consensual foundation but, rather, on one created by law. The liability was created judicially because of the economic and social need for the protection of consumers in an increasingly complex and mechanized society, and because of the limitations in the negligence and warranty remedies. The courts avowed purpose was to insure that the costs of injuries resulting from defective products are borne by the manufacturer that put such products on the market rather than by the injured persons who are powerless to protect themselves.â⬠(Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc. [1963] 59 Cal.2d 57 [13 A.L.R.3d 1049]. à à à à à à à à à à à Negligence, on the other hand, places upon the plaintiff to prove that the manufacturer acted or failed to act on something which resulted to the damage caused by the product. While the manufacturer, in such case, would still be held liable to compensate for damage incurred by the consumer, the amount and degree of liability would be abated based on the extent of defense that the manufacturer could successfully bring forth to the court in the instant case. Thus, following this line of reasoning, there is a risk that the plaintiff may not be fully recompensed for the damage incurred. In fact, there is a chance that the cause of the plaintiff may be denied. The most objectionable aspects of asbestos litigation can be briefly summarized: dockets in both federal and state courts continue to grow; long delays are routine; trials are too long; the same issues are litigated over and over; transaction costs exceed the victims recovery by nearly two to one; exhaustion of assets threatens and distorts the process; and future claimants may lose altogether. Report of The Judicial Conference Ad Hoc Committee on Asbestos Litigation 2-3 (Mar. 1991). à à à à à à à à à à à In recent cases, products liability claims are based not on negligence, but rather on strict liability. In the hands of good and responsible people, this development is for the benefit of the greater number of society ââ¬â the consumers and the market. The burden of proving liability is no longer solely borne by the plaintiff. Proof of liability is much easier to raise and bring to the appreciation of the courts. Thus, more and more plaintiffs have been fully compensated. à à à à à à à à à à à Punitive damages which are awarded on top of actual damages create a different bearing in the case. Its main purpose is to deter others similarly situated to create unconscionable and similar acts in the future. The objective is to impress upon the mind of the defendant and to the whole world that such and similar acts would not be tolerated by society in general. Thus, in most cases, punitive damages are almost always very high. à à à à à à à à à à à As in tort cases, the laws of the land have placed upon our courts of justice the authority to determine the amount of punitive damages that may be rightfully granted in a particular case. Putting a cap to punitive damages would be limiting the authority of our courts of justice to act for and in behalf of the greater number for the greater good. Unconscionable punitive damages that are awarded and which are unacceptable to some parties could be raised to proper legal authorities through proper legal course of action. à à à à à à à à à à à Putting a cap to punitive damages that may be granted on product liability cases is limiting the right of a plaintiff to seek redress of grievances and damages incurred when and where proper. Both plaintiff and defendant have the opportunities to be heard in court and almost always, manufacturers have the best chances to protect their interests with the extent of their capability to litigate and pursue their rights. à à à à à à à à à à à Putting a cap to punitive damages is not the solution to exculpate manufacturers from liabilities. Preventive measures and full quality control of their goods from manufacture to market delivery should be enhanced and made the order of the day. Shifting responsibilities from the manufacturer to the consumer is something that is not fair and something that would work to the disadvantage of the consuming public in the long run. à à à à à à à à à à à Putting a cap on punitive damages to product liability could be interpreted as putting a limit to how much a consumer could be compensated for incurring damage. This is somehow dangerous and risky as no manufacturer could foresee the extent of damage that their products may cause upon an individual. Putting a cap to punitive damages simply works as insurance to consumers that whatever may happen, they are entitled to a certain extent of compensation depending on how they can prove the liability. Again the burden of proof is shifted to the consumer and away from the manufacturer. ââ¬Å"The distinction between products liability and negligence was explained in Jiminez v. Sears, Roebuck Co. (1971) 4 Cal.3d 379, 383 [52 A.L.R.3d 92]: It is pointed out that in a products liability case the plaintiff in order to recover in strict liability in tort must prove that he was injured by a defect in the product and that the product was defective when it left the hands of the retailer or manufacturer; whereas to recover in negligence the plaintiff must prove the same two elements plus an additional element, namely, that the defect in the product was due to negligence of the defendant. This is a discreet departure from the strict liability law. In the case of Green v. General Petroleum Corp., where an oil well blew out through no fault of the defendant, the court relying on Section 3514 of the Civil Code held that: à à à à à à à à à à à ââ¬Å"The defendant was nevertheless liable. The case has been generally interpreted as one involving strict liability for damages resulting from an ultrahazardous activity. It is not significant that a property damage, as distinguished from a personal injury, was there involved. The important factor is that certain activities under certain conditions may be so hazardous to the public generally, and of such relative infrequent occurrence, that it may well call for strict liability as the best public policy. Green v. General Petroleum Corp. (1928) 205 Cal. 328 [60 A.L.R. 475]. à à à à à à à à à à à Cases on product liability are pretty much similar to tort cases. Tort is a civil wrong which results to an injury or harm giving a person a cause of action to seek redress of the wrong mostly through relief of damages incurred. Sanctions for criminal acts may also be imposed but the injured person would almost always seek for monetary recompense for damages incurred such as loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and reasonable medical expenses. Therefore, like any other tort cases under the civil law where no cap to punitive damages is imposed or established, it is unfair and unconstitutional to place a cap on punitive damages on product liability cases. It is unconstitutional as it impinges on the right of a person to be compensated for damages incurred as granted to him under the civil law. à à à à à à à à à à à In an important but split decision, State Farm v. Campbell, the U.S. Supreme Court in April held that the Due Process Clause [of the 14th amendment] prohibits the imposition of grossly excessive or arbitrary punishments on defendants in tort cases. This was the second High Court ruling in the past few years that rightly objected to steep punitive damage awards. à à à à à à à à à à à There are measures which ensure that the courts do not grant unconscionable amounts of damages ââ¬â actual and punitive. Putting a cap to punitive damages is not the answer for manufacturers to get an assurance and security that they would not be liable to pay for damages that would bring their business down. Well, first and foremost, manufacturersââ¬â¢ concern should be on the safety of its products. à à à à à à à à à à à Secondly, being responsible corporate citizens would spell the difference when any manufacturer is faced with the case on product liability. Actual, sincere, and timely concern to a case brought by any plaintiff would ensure that punitive damages that may be awarded would be commensurate to the strategy and action plan that the manufacturer has undertaken to ensure that the plantiffââ¬â¢s concern was addressed responsively and proactive measures are being strategized to prevent any other future occurrence. The burden of proof still rests upon the manufacturer and never on the consumer. à References White, Robert Jeffrey. Top 10 in torts: evolution in the common law. Trial 32, no. 7 (July 1996): 50-53. McMahonBinchy, Law of Torts, Butterworths 3rd Ed., par. 11.113-114 Jimenez v. Superior Court (T.M. Cobb Co.), 29 Cal. 4th 473 2002) Supreme Court of Ireland Judgment, 3 November 1988. Fischer, David A; Green, Michael; Powers, Jr. William; Sanders, Joseph. Fischer, Green, Powers and Sanderââ¬â¢s Cases and Materials on Products Liability. 4th, American Casebook series. Copyright 2006. Owen, David G; Phillips, Jerry J. Owen and Phillips Products Liability in a Nutshell. 7th Edition (Nutshell Series) Green v. General Petroleum Corp. (1928) 205 Cal. 328 [60 A.L.R. 475] Owens, Phillips. Products Liability. 7th ed., 2005. 13-ISBN:à 9780314155108 Format: Paperback-New SKU: Sumner, L. ââ¬Å"Quality Assurance and Product Liability.â⬠Product Liability in Engineering, IEE Colloquium on Volume, Issue 6 Mar 1989. Pages 2/1 to 2/7. Greenman v. Yuba Power Products, Inc. (1963) 59 Cal.2d 57 [13 A.L.R.3d 1049]. Green v. General Petroleum Corp. (1928) 205 Cal. 328 [60 A.L.R. 475]. Jiminez v. Sears, Roebuck Co. (1971) 4 Cal.3d 379, 383 [52 A.L.R.3d 92]:
Monday, July 22, 2019
A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example for Free
A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Love is one of the most immense feelings a human can experience. Love is a deep tender feeling of affection and attachment and devotion to another person. Countless people experience love, both, as non-romantic with their families and romantic love with a special person who comes into their life. When people are on the expedition for love, people may become blindsided by infatuation or what is commonly referred to as lust. Infatuation is being completely carried away by a foolish or shallow affection. Individuals can accept infatuation instead of love, or they cannot tell the difference between the two. One of the many themes in A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is love vs. infatuation. Love is stronger, no matter what the circumstance may be. The play A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream investigates and portrays the intricate relationships among three couples. The relationships become jumbled up and turn into a love triangle. The first couple introduced in A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is Lysander and Hermia. Lysander and Hermia truly symbolize the wholesome meaning of romantic love. Their love is exceedingly strong, which makes the lovers inseparable. The play does a wonderful job of showing the concrete stages of their relationship. One example is why Hermiaââ¬â¢s love is strong, is that she listens to her father, Egeus, but then makes her own decision, based on her own feelings and not those of her family or society, to commit to Lysander. In the play, Hermiaââ¬â¢s father wants her to marry Demetrius and not Lysander. Hermia also went against Theseus, the Duke of Athens, and defied the ancient law of Athens, by choosing to continue her bond with Lysander even though it might mean her death or lifelong chastity. Love is stronger than infatuation, because it means two people making a long term commitment to each other, which does not happen in infatuation. An example of this is when Hermia and Lysander run away together to the forest where they do not know what awaits them. They are putting their trust and faith into each other: â⬠¦If thou lovest me then Steal forth thy fatherââ¬â¢s house tomorrow night. And in the woods a league without the town- Where I did meet thee once with Helena To do observance to a morn of May- There will I stay for thee. (1.1.163-168) Love is also stronger than infatuation, because it means respecting a person, whereas infatuation is only pleasing yourself. Lysander showed his love and respect of Hermia by not sleeping near her at the river bank, at the edge of the forest even though he wanted to. While love can also have some elements of infatuation such as physical attraction, love is a deeper emotion where a person cares about the reputation of their loved one, and would not harm it. However, with infatuation, a person only wants instant pleasure and does not care about the long term harm it may cause. While love is a very strong bond, there can be cracks in loveââ¬â¢s foundation, which may temporarily cause a breach. We see this when Lysander receives the magic potion from Puck, and becomes temporarily infatuated with Helena, and carried away by an unreasonable desire for another woman other than the one he truly loves, if he were not under the spell of infatuation. When the infatuation is lifted, Lysander understands his foolishness, and immediately goes back to Hermia. At the end of the play, Egeus and Theseus realize that Lysander and Hermia are truly in love, strongly committed to each other, and not just infatuated, and give their blessings for the marriage. The second couple is Helena and Demetrius. Demetrius had Egeusââ¬â¢ blessing for Hermiaââ¬â¢s hand in marriage, but Hermia rejected Demetrius because of her love for Lysander. As can be seen in Demetrius actions, infatuation can often be just one sided, where the stronger bond of love must be two sided. While Demetrius believed he loved Hermia, he was willing to stalk her in the forest, and try to take her away from Lysander, even though she did not return Demetriusââ¬â¢ love. This is only infatuation on Demetriusââ¬â¢ part, and not a mature love. Demetrius is only concerned about getting what he wants, and pleasing himself, and does not take into account the feelings, hopes or desires of Hermia. Helena, who was Hermiaââ¬â¢s best friend, betrays her friend because of Helenaââ¬â¢s one-sided and obsessive infatuation for Demetrius. Infatuation can make a person do terrible things both to themselves and to their friends. An example of this is when Hermia asks Helena not to tell of Hermiaââ¬â¢s plan to escape to the forest with Lysander, but Helena goes against her longtime friend simply so she can look better in the eyes of Demetrius: I will go tell him of fair Hermias flight: Then to the wood will he to-morrow night Pursue her; and for this intelligence If I have thanks, it is a dear expense: But herein mean I to enrich my pain, To have his sight thither and back again. (1.1.143-152) Even though Demetrius makes cruel insults to Helena, she does not listen to him, and misguidedly continues to have an unreasonable belief that Demetrius will come to love her, and follows him into the forest. This feeling that Helena has is not true faithful love, but an obsessive infatuation which causes her to lie and betray her lifelong friend and herself, all over a man who is a womanizer and has no feelings for Helena. In Helenaââ¬â¢s case she only sees Demetrius as what she wants him to be like, and not his real self. Therefore, in that sense, infatuation can be stronger than love because it can make a person not see the reality about another, but only what that person wants to see. It can temporarily destroy common sense. By a trick, and not Demetriusââ¬â¢ own true feelings, a potion causes him to love Helena, and they eventually marry. However, this is not true love because there is no selflessness by either, and no solid partnership, their feelings are all due to sorcerery. Infatuation is usually never very long lasting, and we know that if the love potion does finally wear off it is doubtful that Helena and Demetrius will continue to be happy with each other. However, on the other hand infatuation can lead to love over time, as each person really gets to know the other and accept each other for the person they really are, flaws and all. For Helena and Demetrius, the long term future of their relationship is left to the readerââ¬â¢s imagination, and is never answered. The last couple is Titania, the fairy queen, and Bottom. Titania is already married to Oberon, the king of the fairies. Oberon wants Titaniaââ¬â¢s ward, who is a changeling Indian boy, and Titania does not want to give the boy to Oberon. Oberon uses his assistant to apply a magic flower juice to Titania as both a joke and punishment for her failure to do what Oberon wants. This causes Titania to fall in love with the first thing she sees, which is Bottom, a craftsman, who has been changed into an ass by a mischievous fairy named Puck. Titania shows unrestrained passion for Bottom, and therefore he goes with her to the fairy land without even knowing who she is. This is infatuation because it causes both Titania and Bottom to be carried away by intense emotion, and do something they would not normally do. This illustrates that in the short term, infatuation seems to be stronger than love, because a person does things in the heat of the moment to gratify their own pleasure without consideration to the long term effects, to either themselves or to others. However, when the spell of infatuation wears off, the intense feelings of what a person thought was love is totally gone, and feelings of embarrassment and regret usually take their place. Therefore, infatuation is not really stronger than love. We see this illustrated when Oberon tells Titania she is under the spell of the love-in-idleness flower. Titania realizes the love is phony and accepts to Oberonââ¬â¢s offer that if she gives up the Indian boy, Oberon will liberate the magic flowers enchantment: When I had at my pleasure taunted her And she in mild terms beggd my patience, I then did ask of her her changeling child; Which straight she gave me, and her fairy sent To bear him to my bower in fairy land. And now I have the boy, I will undo (4.1.55-60) Also as to the relationship between Oberon and Titania, it is questionable that Oberon really loves Titania. Oberon was willing to harm her and their relationship, by using her to get a possession that he wanted. Love is a strong faith in your partner, and a willingness to make sacrifices for the good of the relationship. Oberon did not have faith in Titania, and felt justified in imposing his own will over hers. However, love is not always smooth, and it means accepting a person for their flaws. Both Oberon and Titania are aware of the flaws of each other, but stay together as a couple, showing that love is a stronger emotion than infatuation. Love, and not infatuation, is the strongest emotion in A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream because it enriches several of the coupleââ¬â¢s lives and has the potential to make them happy on a long term basis. Love is a connection to another person that is made up of friendship and respect and is nourishing to both. This is shown by Hermia and Lysanderââ¬â¢s relationship. However, love must be worked at, and it is a promise that can be broken. We see that even with a strong love, Lysander could fall under the spell of infatuation and temporarily turn away from Hermia, or that Oberon could play a mean trick on Titania. While infatuation is not bad, it is usually not enduring like love. It is based on idealizing someone, rather than seeing the real person, flaws and all. In Titaniaââ¬â¢s case, under the spell of infatuation she was blind to reality, and she was passionate for Bottom, even though he looked like a donkey. Infatuation makes one physically happy but not emotionally happy; therefore it is a lesser emotion than love. We see with all the couples that they have fun with their sexuality and passion, when they are under the spell of infatuation, but except for Helena and Demetrius, they all finally wake from it, and see that it was only shallow and temporary and made them act foolishly. Therefore, while infatuation is very strong and can make a sensible person put aside their common sense, infatuation will lose its grip on a person given time. Love on the other hand, has the potential to last forever if it is worked at, and simply makes a couple both emotionally and physical happy.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Benefits of Oral Presentations
Benefits of Oral Presentations Mention two different situations (imaginary) when oral presentations are more effective than written, reasoning why presentations. Explain the various principles for successful business presentations orally. Two situations where oral communication is better than written communication: The first is when a seller is trying to sell products to a potential customer. Here, direct selling is. Direct selling is the marketing and selling products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail place, going home, staying places. Modern direct selling includes sales made through the party plan, one-on-one demonstrations and other forms of personal touch as well. An exact definition would be: The direct personal presentation, demonstration and sale of services merchandises and consumers, usually in their homes or their jobs. Why oral communication is preferred instead of written communication here? Consumers and sellers take advantage of oral communication when it comes to selling because of the convenience and service it provides, including Personal demonstration. Explanation of products. Home delivery. Generous guarantees satisfaction. Clarification of doubts/remedies on the product in the minds of customers. Possible Persuasion. Negotiation can. Second meeting is where you have to make a point to everyone present at the meeting, and take their views on the subject. Oral communication occurs in meetings where participants share their ideas. Organizers of the meeting clearly define their effective goal, as if the purpose of the meeting is to make a decision, brainstorm ideas, approve a plan to provide a change or get a status report. At the beginning of the meeting organizer uses oral indicating priorities of the meeting communication, expected results and the time allotted to discuss each topic. Requesting additional input from participants, he/she ensures the meeting remains relevant to everyone. The organizer of the meeting also ensures that each participant gets a chance to speak without monopolizing the agenda. Different principles to ensure the success of oral business presentations Do not design a static model; instead of designing a static. Plan the design of your presentation to be vibrant and alive as you interact w ith your audienceDynamic means strength, living movement. Complete or static means defined Do not plan what you will say to your last word, and to present what has already been said in the study. Ensure that your plan is clear and simple. Make sure your main ideas are clear in concept and formulation. Writing the basic idea of your tax statement and division for the listener make a difference in the way you write. What you write may look good on paper. But read the statements aloud and check. â⬠¢ How they ring you? â⬠¢ Are they readily understandable? â⬠¢ Is there a rhythm and symmetry in the text? â⬠¢ Would it create doubts in the mind of the receiver or not? correct weightage. Written notes can be deceiving when you write a word or two to indicate a long illustration, argument, or application. The amount of weight you give to An Individual section will depend on the time you spend with her. Be sure to focus your design time, careful planning, while remaining flexible. Emphasize main ideas of repetition and placement. Remember that the public might say a statement is a main idea, by the way you say or present. They cannot see bold or underlined characters in what you say. Put your tax division noticeable positions: first and last in a section. Everything you say first and the last is always remembered. As you repeat your division statements in the same terms, the listener will understand its meaning. Also, make it your habit to announce and number them, using your keywords. Use phrased transitions carefully as you move into your presentation.. If you start with a usual analogy, make argument clear regarding your idea presented. This will provide a smooth tr ansition in your next section. Shot of the transition from need section, then the introduction text. Use connecting sentences and let the transitional sentence, with the keyword public in steer your the partitions. Wrap each section or division said, with a restatement of the previous agenda and introduction of Next Idea. Plan a combination of inductive and deductive movement significantly. Remember that the inductive thought begins with specifics. Lead the by talking presentation of something that is already acquainted to the public; that is parallel to your subject and gets their notice. From here you will be able to move to the main idea of the presentation. The movement should be structured General Specific To. Use deductive movement when you give the statementand detachment and move to essentials. Use language that is best suited to the ear, not the eye.. Choose phrases that can be easily understood indelivering. You only get one of say something chance to. Even if you repeat the main ideas, keep them simple and straightforward. Avoid terminology that is beyond comprehension. Do public not to assume that people know what you are talking about historical references. Explain. Do not use technical theological terms without or before defining them. Use peoples talk, but no grammar or pronunciation Make your introductory sections are carefully planned.. Introduction is as important as what you do to communicate effectively. There are five purposes for the establishment To capture the awarenessof the listener; To initiate interest about you; To commence your subject; To establishthe text; and in order to make the body an effortless transition your presentation. Each of these objectives calls for a well thought out plan. The introduction is very important because it is the beginning. If you do not have to get a good start with genuine communication touch, you can never achieve it. Ensure your concluding/closing section is carefully planned.. What we call the general conclusion is as important as the intro. Conclusion steps include visualization and action. This is the section where you return to your basic idea. For the visualization step, use illustrations and applications to paint a picture of the BASIC idea in the minds of listeners. Step Action provides the specific changes that are needed to implement the basic idea. This step tips into a time of reflection, or invites the listener to reply to the message/presentation. presentation design bearing in mind, from the viewpoint of public. Trying to get beyond the narrow focus on your hardware and how to organize it must be one of your important basis when designing your presentation. Think about your audience audience. Bear in mind what the matter already knows, how are acquainted they terminology, how their views match yours, and how they are committed to the existing attitudes and beliefs. The best communicators are those who recognize their listeners and message regulate their order to reach them where they are. Who will be there? How do they think? What do they include? What do they need to KNOW? If you do not communicate your equipment effectively, it is of no value to your listener. Understand your nervousness. 3 out of 4 say they feel nervous about public speaking. Its like getting up for a sports competition: you want to do well you have prepared and you are ready to go! Your performance is important, but it is not the main thing. The main thing is to share your message ideas, feelings and information. Its learn together. No one expects perfection. If you mess something, fix and continue. Your audience is your partner: they want to learn from you; they want you to succeed. Some nervousness is a good thing. Increased activation can enhance your presentation, improve alertness and animation, and strengthen public engagement. Use relaxation techniques if you think youre too wound. Before your presentation, sit quietly, focus on letting up the tension in your body, breathe deeply from the abdomen (a count of 4, hold for 4, for a number of 4). Do this for several cycles with n ormal breaths you do not have hyperventilation. Smile. It is a mood elevator. clear pronunciation. So that significant oral messages of receivers, the words must be clearly and correctly pronounced. It should not be a lack of clarity or communication will be a source of confusion. Brevity. Oral communication is that the message should be brief. If the sender has taken a long time to talk, his message may not attract the attention of the receiver. logical sequence. The ideas should be organized sequentially to make the communication message and attractive. Unorganized ideas do not provide clear direction, while logical sequence of ideas gives a clear meaning. courteous. Courtesy costs nothing but can save a lot. Thus, a speaker must be courteous, while addressing the audience. It helps to create a good impression in the minds of listeners for the speaker. Avoid emotions. The President must control his emotions to make effective oral communication. Too much emotion will be the speaker away from the main subject. Control Gesticulation. President repeatedly, consciously or unconsciously, gesticulating to express ideas or thoughts. It is a habit and should be avoided. Otherwise, the application of this habit can cause disinterest of the public. In addition, objective information, the ability of the listener, interesting language, and the correct flow must also be considered the principles of oral communication.
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