Friday, November 22, 2019
Terms of Arithmetic and Math in Spanish
Terms of Arithmetic and Math in Spanish You can talk about math in Spanish by learning a few basic terms. Many of the words are ones you already may know from other contexts. Spanish Terms of Arithmetic Here are the words for the simple mathematical functions and how theyre used with numbers: Addition (Suma):à Dos ms tres son cinco. (Two plus three is five.) Note that in other contexts, ms is usually an adverb. Subtraction (Resta):à Cinco menos cuatro son uno. (Five minus four is one.) Multiplication (Multiplicacià ³n):à Tres por cuatro son doce. (Three times four is twelve.) In other contexts, por is a common preposition. Division (Divisià ³n):à Doce dividido entre cuatro son tres. (Twelve divided by four is three.) Doce dividido por cuatro son tres. (Twelve divided by four is three.) Entre is another common preposition. Note that all of these sentences use the verb son, which is plural, in contrast with the singular verb is of English. It is also possible to use es orà the phrase es igual a (is equal to). Other Mathematical Terms Here are some less common mathematical terms: el cuadrado de - the square ofel cubo de - the cube ofecuacià ³n - equationelevado a la enà ©sima potencia - raised to the nth powerfuncià ³n - functionnà ºmero imaginario - imaginary numberpromedio - average, meanquebrado, fraccià ³n - fractionraà z cuadrada - square rootraà z cà ºbica - cube root Sample Sentences Solo un idiota que no sabe que dos ms dos sonà cuatro le creerà a. (Only an idiot who doesnt know that two plus two equals four would believe him.) Una fraccià ³n es un nà ºmeroà que se obtiene de dividir un entero en partes iguales. (A fraction is a number that is obtained by dividing a whole number into equal parts.) Pi se obtiene al dividir la circunferencia de un cà rculo del dimetro. (Pi is obtained by dividing the circumference of a circle by the diameter.) El triple de un nà ºmero menos el doble del mismo nà ºmero son ese nà ºmero. (Three times a number minus two times that number is that number.) Una funcià ³n es como una mquina: tiene una entrada y una salida. (A function is like a machine: It has an input and an output.) Una ecuacià ³n es una igualdad matemtica entre dos expresiones matemticas. (An equation is an equality between two mathematical expressions.) La ciudad est dividida en dos partes iguales. (The city is divided into two equal parts.) à ¿Cul es el resultado de dividir 20 por 0.5? (What is the quotient of 20 divided by 0.5?) El cuadrado de un nà ºmero menos el doble del mismo nà ºmero son 48. à ¿Cul es ese nà ºmero? (The square root of a number minus double the same number is 48. What is that number?) El promedio de edad de los estudiantes es de 25 aà ±os. (The average age of the students is 25.) La divisià ³n entre cero es una indeterminacià ³n. Asà à la expresià ³n 1/0 carece de sentio. (Division by zero yields an indeterminable number. Thus the expression 1/0 doesnt make sense.) Los nà ºmeros imaginarios pueden describirse como el producto de un nà ºmero real por la unidad imaginaria i, en donde i denota la raà z cuadrada de -1. (Imaginary numbers can be described as the product of a real number by the imaginary unit i, whereà i denotes the square root of -1.)
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